WebSocket connection to wss://localhost:23443 failed for pace.min.js:2
Unhandled rejection for bluebird.min.js:29
What is Pace min js?
Pace. js is a lightweight (~4kb minified and gzipped) and standalone JavaScript library to create beautiful progress indicators for your page load and ajax request. It automatically monitors AJAX requests, event loop lag, document ready state, and elements on your page to decide the progress.
What is Bluebird min JS?
Bluebird JS is a fully-featured Promise library for JavaScript. The strongest feature of Bluebird is that it allows you to “promisify” other Node modules in order to use them asynchronously. Promisify is a concept applied to callback functions.
Internet Explorer (IE) Settings
Users must allow websocket connection to localhost! Search on your computer ⇨ Internet Options ⇨ Security ⇨ Local Intranet ⇨ Sites ⇨ Uncheck the first checkbox as shown below:
