Rename ReportServer database for SSRS

To rename the SSRS SQL Server databases.. Stop SSRS service from Report Configuration Manager. Rename the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB database in SSMS. Restart the SSRS service from Report Configuration Manager. Go to the Database tab, and select Change Database. Select “Choose an existing report service database” and select the renamed database.

SSRS 2022 Install Error with .NET

Error: Getting the following error when trying to install SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 2022 Dev. Stuck on “Installing Microsoft .NET 4.8” Error code 0x800713ec-Asia Fix: Install the offline .NET Framework installer version first, then go back and install SSRS. The server might not have internet access. SSRS install will need to download specific packages... » read more

SSRS Error: Failure sending mail: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.Mail will not be resent.

SSRS Error: Getting the following error when trying to setup SSRS subscription… Failure sending mail: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. Mail will not be resent. Issue: If you are using an SMTP server or forwarder that uses e-mail accounts that are different from the domain user account,... » read more

Setup Email Subscription for SSRS

To setup email for SSRS subscription, go to Report Server Configuration Manager. Go to the E-mail Settings and fill in the SMTP Settings fields. Sender Address: Current SMTP Delivery Method: Use SMTP server SMTP Server: Authentication: No authentication Note: Make sure to restart the SSRS service after making modifications to these fields.

SSRS Report Execution Log


Install Microsoft Report Builder

Microsoft Report Builder is a stand-alone app for authoring paginated reports, installed on your computer by you or an administrator. An administrator typically installs and configures Reporting Services, grants permission to download Report Builder from the web portal, and manages folders and permissions to reports and shared datasets saved to the report server. For more... » read more

Enable SSRS Email Subscription

Go to Report Server Configuration Manager and set the E-mail Settings. Restart SSRS services. On SSRS, you will now see an “Email” subscription option when you create new SSRS subscription.

Report Viewer Download

Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime Install Errors Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2014 is missing. Download Microsoft SQLSysCLRTypes from Official Microsoft Download Center

SSRS and Large Datasets

Note: Do not attempt to select more than 1 million rows into the resulting Excel Spreadsheet or the data selection process may run out of memory. Large reports present certain processing challenges and require certain configurations if they are to run properly. Large reports should not be run on demand unless they are configured to... » read more