ASP.NET Core enables developers to easily configure and manage security for their apps. ASP.NET Core contains features for managing authentication, authorization, data protection, HTTPS enforcement, app secrets, XSRF/CSRF prevention, and CORS management. These security features allow you to build robust yet secure ASP.NET Core apps.

ASP.NET Core security features

ASP.NET Core provides many tools and libraries to secure your apps including built-in identity providers, but you can use third-party identity services such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. With ASP.NET Core, you can easily manage app secrets, which are a way to store and use confidential information without having to expose it in the code.

Authentication vs. Authorization

Authentication is a process in which a user provides credentials that are then compared to those stored in an operating system, database, app or resource. If they match, users authenticate successfully, and can then perform actions that they’re authorized for, during an authorization process. The authorization refers to the process that determines what a user is allowed to do.

Another way to think of authentication is to consider it as a way to enter a space, such as a server, database, app or resource, while authorization is which actions the user can perform to which objects inside that space (server, database, or app).

Overview of ASP.NET Core authentication

Authentication is the process of determining a user’s identity. Authorization is the process of determining whether a user has access to a resource. In ASP.NET Core, authentication is handled by the IAuthenticationService, which is used by authentication middleware. The authentication service uses registered authentication handlers to complete authentication-related actions. Examples of authentication-related actions include:

  • Authenticating a user.
  • Responding when an unauthenticated user tries to access a restricted resource.

The registered authentication handlers and their configuration options are called “schemes”.

Authentication schemes are specified by registering authentication services in Startup.ConfigureServices:

  • By calling a scheme-specific extension method after a call to services.AddAuthentication (such as AddJwtBearer or AddCookie, for example). These extension methods use AuthenticationBuilder.AddScheme to register schemes with appropriate settings.
  • Less commonly, by calling AuthenticationBuilder.AddScheme directly.

The Authentication middleware is added in Startup.Configure by calling the UseAuthentication extension method on the app’s IApplicationBuilder. Calling UseAuthentication registers the middleware which uses the previously registered authentication schemes. Call UseAuthentication before any middleware that depends on users being authenticated. When using endpoint routing, the call to UseAuthentication must go:

  • After UseRouting, so that route information is available for authentication decisions.
  • Before UseEndpoints, so that users are authenticated before accessing the endpoints.

Introduction to authorization in ASP.NET Core

Authorization refers to the process that determines what a user is able to do. For example, an administrative user is allowed to create a document library, add documents, edit documents, and delete them. A non-administrative user working with the library is only authorized to read the documents.

Authorization is orthogonal and independent from authentication. However, authorization requires an authentication mechanism. Authentication is the process of ascertaining who a user is. Authentication may create one or more identities for the current user.

Authorization types

ASP.NET Core authorization provides a simple, declarative role and a rich policy-based model. Authorization is expressed in requirements, and handlers evaluate a user’s claims against requirements. Imperative checks can be based on simple policies or policies which evaluate both the user identity and properties of the resource that the user is attempting to access.


Authorization components, including the AuthorizeAttribute and AllowAnonymousAttribute attributes, are found in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization namespace.

Consult the documentation on simple authorization.

Last modified: December 17, 2020



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