This course is around 7 hours and consists of 58 clips. We have covered most of the blazor concepts that help you build real-world blazor applications.

Setup and run Blazor application

You can find the complete source code of the project that we have built as part of this course at the following link.

Blazor Project Source Code

The following are the steps to setup and run Blazor application on your local machine.

Download the project source code. contains the source code.

kudvenkat blazor tutorial source code

Extract all the files.

Double click on the solution file – BlazorTutorial.sln file. You will find this file in the BlazorTutorial folder.

Once you have the solution open. Execute the following command from Package Manager Console. Make sure EmployeeManagement.Web project is set as the Default project.


This will create the required core identity database tables.

Execute the Update-Database one more time. This time set EmployeeManagement.Api as the Default project. This migration creates the Employee database and the required tables.

Run the following in NuGet Package Manager Console …

Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -Version 3.1.5

Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools -Version 3.1.5

Run the project using CTRL+F5

You can find all the videos, slides and notes in sequence on the following page.

Blazor tutorial notes, slides and videos

Last modified: November 23, 2020



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