Microsoft Failover Cluster Manager (MSFCM) is a specific management function within the Windows Server operating system which is used to create, validate, and manage failover server clusters running Windows Server.

A failover cluster is a collection of individual physical servers — or nodes — organized into a group capable of sharing the computing workload of an application. When a failure occurs in one node of the cluster, the workload traffic and computing resources are redirected to other nodes — hence the term failover — that will continue to operate the application without disruption. The troubled node is then isolated from the cluster until it can be repaired and restored. Once a troubled node is returned to normal operation, the cluster redistributes traffic and computing to accommodate the restored cluster.

Failover Cluster Manager

Remote desktop on to any server in the cluster.

Server Manager -> Tools -> Failover Cluster Manager

  • Nodes tab, make sure all “Cluster Service” for each node is running.
  • Roles tab will show you which node is the “Owner Node” for each role.

Note: Make sure the cluster feature is installed on each node server.


  • Roles tab will also show you the name of the listener.
  • You will be able to connect to the server as the listener.
  • In SSMS, use PRINT @@servername to find out which server the listener is pointing to.


Last modified: October 30, 2019



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