When SQL Server writes data to your drives, it just assumes everything’s okay until it needs to read the data back again.

Unfortunately, in the event of storage corruption, the storage isn’t so kind as to alert SQL Server.  And sometimes, SQL Server has even been known to corrupt itself.

We need to periodically check to make sure the data on disk still makes sense, and that’s where DBCC CHECKDB comes in. It checks for both allocation errors and consistency errors. Additionally, if there are any issues, the error messages will come back with information regarding where the errors exist, the severity of the error as well as the suggested repair option.

It’s essential to run CHECKDB on a regular basis to find errors if they exist because if there’s corruption, we need to fix it before our last good backups disappear.

To find the problem, we check each database to make sure DBCC CHECKDB has completed a successful check in the last two weeks.

Last modified: July 17, 2024



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