The Product Owner Challenge Game using Legos

When we talk about scrum, the first person that comes to mind is the Scrum Master. Often overlooked is the role of Product Owner in the scrum process. The Product Owner is just as important as the Scrum Master in the scrum process if not more important. If the Product Owner does his or her job in the... » read more

Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

This week in my Agile class, the instructor pointed out a video article on the topic of Agile product ownership. The video article called Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell was a fifteen minute short video that basically explained the Agile software development process in a nutshell.  Although the video was about the whole Agile process, it went... » read more

The No Asshole Rule by Robert Sutton and Do I Pass The Test

The topic this week in my Agile class was about leadership. During this week’s class discussion, the instructor pointed out to a book called “The No Asshole Rule” by Robert Sutton.  I was intrigued by the bold name of this book. It’s not that common to find the word “asshole” as part of the book title. So I... » read more