DNS Propagation

Please be aware that depending on your DNS provider it can take up to 48 hours for the DNS entry changes to propagate. You can verify that the DNS propagation is working as expected by using http://digwebinterface.com/ http://digwebinterface.com

Gmail, Add Additional Email Alias

Gmail Admin https://admin.google.com Add an email alias for a G Suite user You can add up to 30 aliases for each user. Sign in to your Google Admin console. From the Admin console Home page, go to Users. In the Users list, find the user. If you need help, see Find a user account. Click the user’s name to open their account page. Click User information  Email... » read more

Read-Only Domain Controller (RODC)

Read-Only Domain Controller or RODC is a type of domain controller which holds a read-only copy of active directory database. Why We Need an RODC? RODC is deployed in branch offices because of the following important reasons. Physical security is not guaranteed in branch offices so read-only DCs are preferred instead of write-able DCs. If... » read more

Allowing Additional Host/App to Send Email on G Mail Server

By default, Google mail server will deny sending email from their servers. To enable additional host/application to send email you must add additional host/application records to the routing email section. If you try to send an email from your application without setting this up, you will get the following error message: “5.7.1 Invalid credentials for... » read more

MyDomain setup for Azure Websites

Nameservers Setup Change the default from… ns1.mydomaincom-default.domainparkingserver.net ns2.mydomaincom-default.domainparkingserver.net to… ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com Otherwise Azure Portal will not be able to confirm your domain name. DNS Records Add the following DNS Records… Record Name Content A * xx.xx.xx.xx A @ xx.xx.xx.xx A www xx.xx.xx.xx CNAME www xx.azurewebsites.net TXT A xx.azurewebsites.net