Reporting Services Project Templates for Visual Studio

For Analysis Services, Integration Services, or Reporting Services projects, you can install the appropriate extensions from within Visual Studio with Extensions > Manage Extensions. Download the Reporting service project templates from Manage Extensions of Visual Studio. Visual Studio -> Extensions -> Manager Extensions Search for “Reporting” and download “Microsoft Reporting Services Projects”.

Reporting Services in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is a Microsoft Visual Studio environment for creating business intelligence solutions. SSDT features the Report Designer authoring environment, where you can open, modify, preview, save, and deploy Reporting Services paginated report definitions, shared data sources, shared datasets, and report parts. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is not included with SQL... » read more

Uninstall Visual Studio

You can also find the Visual Studio Installer in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vs_installer.exe Sources:

Visual Studio Team Explorer with Git Integration

Commit Options Add a console application to the solution using Solution Explorer. Write some code and you will see there are three options to commit… Commit All (only to local repo), Commit All and Push (local as well as remote repo) Commit All and Sync (to remote and also fetches changes from remote if any).... » read more

Error: You are debugging a release build

Error: For some reason, when I launch this application in the debugger using the normal Start Debugging command in Visual Studio, it launches, but it also produces the following warning: Resolution: Disable this option under Debug->Options->Suppress JIT optimization on module load (Managed only). Sources:

Azure Storage SDK

Visual Studio Nuget Manager PM>Install-Package WindowsAzure.Storage Samples:

Visual Studio Updates

Visual Studio Version Date Visual Studio 2019 16.2 2019 July Visual Studio 2019 16.1 2019 May Visual Studio 2019 16.0 2019 Apr Visual Studio 2017 15.9 2018 Nov Visual Studio 2017 = version 15Visual Studio 2019 = version 16 Source: