Rebuild or Reorganize: SQL Server Index Maintenance

To Rebuild or Reorganize: That is the Question First off: ‘Reorganize’ and ‘Rebuild’ are two different operations that each reduce fragmentation in an index. They work differently toward the same end. You don’t need to run both against the same index. (I sometimes find that people are doing both against every index in a maintenance... » read more

Custom Index Defrag Script for SQL Server 2008

uspDbaIndexDefrag xx_dba_parseString_udf xx_dba_indexDefragStatus xx_dba_indexDefragExclusion xx_dba_indexDefragLog Result Executing: ALTER INDEX [PK_tbTable01] ON [MyDB01].[dbo].[tbTable01] REORGANIZE Executing: ALTER INDEX [XPK_tbTable02] ON [MyDB01].[dbo].[tbTable02] REBUILD WITH (ONLINE = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON) Executing: ALTER INDEX [PK_tbTable03] ON [MyDB01].[dbo].[tbTable03] REORGANIZE Executing: ALTER INDEX [XPKtbTable04] ON [MyDB01].[dbo].[tbTable04] REBUILD WITH (ONLINE = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON) Executing: ALTER INDEX [PK_tbTable05] ON [MyDB01].[dbo].[tbTable05] REORGANIZE

Create Linked Server

Creating a linked server called “RPT” that connect into SERVER01… Note: When generating the linked server from a script from an existing database server, the rmtpassword parameter will not be set. After the linked server has been created, go to properties of the linked server and set the security context.

The filegroup xxxx has no files assigned to it.

Error: The filegroup "xxxx" has no files assigned to it. Tables, indexes, text columns, ntext columns, and image columns cannot be populated on this filegroup until a file is added. Fix: Sources:

Database Backup Compression

This topic describes the compression of SQL Server backups, including restrictions, performance trade-off of compressing backups, the configuration of backup compression, and the compression ratio. Backup compression is supported on SQL Server editions: Enterprise, Standard, and Developer. Every edition of SQL Server 2008 and later can restore a compressed backup. Benefits Because a compressed backup... » read more

No Global Profile Is Configured

Error: No global profile is configured. Specify a profile name in the @profile_name parameter Fix: 1.  Open database mail configuration by logging into SQL Server Management studio and expanding Management and right clicking on DatabaseMail, then choosing configure: 2.  Choose Manage Profile Security. 3.  Configure your profile to be the default profile: Sources: