Azure NoSQL CosmoDB Item Fields

Field Description Example /<OrderId> Primary KeyRequiredUser Provide 1001 id ID FieldAuto Generated or User Provide 6ad5da95-3a13-4eb0-a513-f8012b3b091j _rid Auto Generated HJ9mAKPzQnYHAAAAAAAAAA== _self Auto Generated dbs/HJ9mAA==/colls/HJ9mAKPzQnY=/docs/HJ9mAKPzQnYHAAAAAAAAAA==/ _etag Auto Generated \”b001a8e2-0000-0700-0000-610ac3870000\” _attachments Auto Generated attachments/ _ts Auto Generated 1628095367 Note: A partition key that distributes data evenly to each partition. Selecting the correct partition key is important in... » read more

Azure Cosmos DB free tier

Azure Cosmos DB free tier makes it easy to get started, develop, test your applications, or even run small production workloads for free. When free tier is enabled on an account, you’ll get the first 1000 RU/s and 25 GB of storage in the account for free. The throughput and storage consumed beyond these limits... » read more

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft’s proprietary globally-distributed, multi-model database service “for managing data at planet-scale” launched in May 2017. It is schema-agnostic, horizontally scalable, and generally classified as a NoSQL database. Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database service for modern app development. Get guaranteed single-digit millisecond response times and 99.999-percent availability, backed... » read more

Set Azure Function Time Zone for Timer Trigger

Azure Function based on Web app sandbox. Web app need you to set the timezone in env settings first. The timetrigger attribute is the declaration part of the function. The environment variables will be checked here. If you do not set the environment variables about the time zone in advance, it will be processed according... » read more

Setup Account confirmation and password recovery in ASP.NET Core

Setup SendGrid Account Setup account at Get API key. NuGet and install SendGrid to app. Blazor WebAssembly Setup Note: Add to “Server” project, not “Client” project. Need to setup user secrete for the application first. Add “SendGridUser” and “SendGridKey” user secrete to Server project. secrets.json Add classes to Services folder AuthMessageSenderOptions.cs EmailSender.cs Areas.Identity.Pages.Account.RegisterConfirmation page... » read more

Secure Azure App Service Web API via Restriction Rules

Note: This will not work with a Blazor Client app because the call to the web api will be from the browser of the client. By setting up access restrictions, you can define a priority-ordered allow/deny list that controls network access to your app. The list can include IP addresses or Azure Virtual Network subnets.... » read more

Azure Function Queue Trigger Retry

Azure functions with Storage Queue trigger has a built in retry logic based on the dequeue count of the message in the queue. You can configure the frequency of the retry in the bindings either through code or host.json. After the max number of retry, the message will be placed in the <queue-name>-poison queue. visibilityTimeout property... » read more

Azure Storage Queue Examples

Install Install following from Nuget Package Manager Azure.StorageQueues Add following reference… Add Message To Queue Note: Call to queue is not supported in Blazor Web Assembly. You will get this error message if you try to create a message. System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms is not supported on this platform. Sources:

Azure Storage Queue

Azure Queue Storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages. You access messages from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. A queue message can be up to 64 KB in size. A queue may contain millions of messages, up to the total capacity limit of a storage account.... » read more