
Transactional vs Analytical Database

Transactional Database Analytical Database OLTP OLAP Operational Systems Data Warehousing Original source of data Data comes from varies sources Large number of transactions. Low number of transaction. Very fast query processing Queries are often very complex and involve aggregations Detailed and current data, and schema is the entity model (usually 3NF) Aggregated, historical data, stored... » read more

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Service oriented architecture (SOA) is a style of software design where services are provided to other applications or components through some kind of protocol over the network. Basic Principles of SOA Independent of vendors, products, and technologies. Represents a business activity with a specified outcome. Self-contained. Black box for consumer of the service. Loose coupling... » read more


Both SOAP and REST are web services that allows machine-to-machine communications. They are API that allow your application to interact with another application. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) More structured. Only XML. More complexity and overhead in getting a connection setup. Comes with definitions that allows you to generate classes/objects in your application. Multiple application... » read more

Object Oriented Design Concepts

Here are some basic object oriented design concepts one should know or good to know before going into a technical interview for a software engineering position. Abstraction The act of representation a feature without describing the extract detail of the feature. Why it matters: “I don’t really care how you get the data. All I... » read more

DateTime.Now vs. DateTime.UtcNow

DateTime.UtcNow tells you the date and time as it would be in Coordinated Universal Time, aka Greenwich Mean Time time zone. Basically the time as if you are in London England. DateTime.Now gives the date and time as it would appear to someone in your current locale. It is better to store DateTime.UtcNow then DateTime.Now... » read more

Adding custom domain name to your azure web app

Go to the Custom domains section of your web application. Add the following host on Azure Portal. A Record CNAME Make sure you have already added an A Record and a TXT to point to your web app. A Record xx.xx.xx.xx TXT Record