Calling Code from SSRS Report

Report File Code Section Note: Make sure you reference the dll in the report. DLL myapp.MyAppFacade.dll C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\bin

SSRS Reports vs ReportServer

Report Manager URL: http://servername/reports Report Server URL: http://servername/reportserver Report Manager is a convenient web user interface to the Report Server that enables you toview and administer your reports, data sources, and report resources. Report Server is the web service application that functions as your programmatic gateway to the SQL Reporting Services engine. When browsing to... » read more

Create Custom SSRS Security Role

Create new Role via SSMS. Add User to Role via Reporting Services web interface. Create New Role (via SSMS) Make sure you select “Reporting Services” in the Server type. Add User to Custom Role (via Reporting Server Web) Sources:

SSRS Expression

Field01 String Sum of Field01. If statement. Global Date Currency Switch Running Value Bit Number

SSRS Report Data Panel

In Reporting Services Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), the Report Data pane displays a hierarchical view of data objects that you can use in a report, including data sources, datasets, fields, parameters, and images. Data sources in this view can be embedded or references to shared data sources that are displayed in... » read more

Find the Report Definition Schema Version (SSRS)

A report definition file specifies the RDL namespace for the version of the report definition schema that is used to validate the rdl file. When you open an .rdl file in a report authoring environment such as Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), Visual Studio, or Report Builder. If the report was created... » read more