A system assertion check has failed

Error: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 4 A system assertion check has failed. Check the SQL Server error log for details. Typically, an assertion failure is caused by a software bug or data corruption. To check for database corruption, consider running DBCC CHECKDB. If you agreed to send dumps to Microsoft during setup,... » read more

Reseed Table Identity Column

The seed is good if the current identity value is equal to or greater than the current value. Note: If you are using SQL Compare to update table, don’t run the RESEED statement. May have to run the reseed statement multiple times if there are already data rows with the existing seed. Sources: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/database-console-commands/dbcc-checkident-transact-sql?view=sql-server-ver15

Backup and Restore Database Time

Database backup and restore time will depend on server and memory allocated. Example 1 Server: 2.10 GHz CPU, 4.0 GB Memory File Size Time to Backup Time to Restore 0.5 GB 10 seconds 2 GB 40 seconds 35 GB 7:50 minutes for Full 283 seconds (4.7 minutes)6:37 minutes for Full 81 GB 13:54 minutes for... » read more

Database Restore Failed: 1453 (Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.)

Error: Msg 3203, Level 16, State 1, Line 7 Read on "H:\Backups\MyBackupFile.bak" failed: 1453(Insufficient quota to complete the requested service.) Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 7 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. Fix 1: Remove “maxtransfersize” from restore statement. Fix 2: Restrict the max server memory setting of the Sql server to allow other... » read more

Create Index Example With Include

Query: Execution Plan suggest Missing Index… Missing Index (Impact 93.0): CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<name>] ON [dbo].[tbTable01] ([Col01], [Col02], [Col03], [Col04]) Index: Good Better Include Col01 and Col03 to eliminate key lookup step. Note: 84 records = 12 minutes

Read Committed Isolation Level cause Deadlock.

SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED will cause deadlocks if the table is very large without indexes. Having the query perform a table/index scan with the read committed option practically “locks” the table. The impact can be minimized if the procedures access the data using the correct index so it does a table/index seek, therefore... » read more

Monitor SQL Server Deadlocks

Querying SQL Server Extended Events for Deadlock history. Extended events capture a lot of data from the system and you should explore that as well. There have a lot of useful detailed information which is already being captured. Please have a look at this event on MSDN here. We are only concerned about the deadlocks.... » read more

Running out of disk space when updating a large table

When updating a large table using transaction, make sure there is enough space for the log file. This includes … BEGIN TRANSACTION Alter column in a table Create index Tips … Shrink database data and log files beforehand Break up the query into multiple queries Adding more space to the drive where the log file... » read more

Transaction Log is Full

Error: The transaction log for database ‘xxxxx’ is full due to ‘ACTIVE_TRANSACTION’. Fix: Backup the transaction log. Set database recovery model from “Full” to “Simple”. If database setup for Always On, make sure Always On is working and synchronizing on all secondary database servers. Backup Transaction Log If you don’t care about the transaction log... » read more