

Error: Getting the following error when running a stored procedure… SELECT INTO failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: ‘ANSI_WARNINGS’. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML Fix: Sources:


UNION The UNION command combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements (only distinct values). UNION ALL The UNION ALL command combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements (allows duplicate values).

Visual Studio Team Explorer with Git Integration

Commit Options Add a console application to the solution using Solution Explorer. Write some code and you will see there are three options to commit… Commit All (only to local repo), Commit All and Push (local as well as remote repo) Commit All and Sync (to remote and also fetches changes from remote if any).... » read more

Update Stored Procedure in Entity Framework

Go to Model browser. MyStoreProc is the name of the stored procedure (as an example). MyStoreProc will appear in 3 places. 1st place- Under Complex Types -> as MyStoreProc_result 2nd Place- Under Function Imports -> as MyStoreProc 3rd Place – Under Stored Procedures/Functions -> as MyStoreProc Delete all three from model. Save the edmx (by... » read more

Web Photo Width, Height, Size

When you upload an image, WordPress not only uploads the original image, it automatically creates three resized images for you: a Large version (default 600px) a Medium version (default 300px) a Thumbnail (default 150px) Width Height Ratio Size WordPress Large 600 WordPress Medium 300 WordPress Small 150 Facebook Download 960 720 1.33 109 KB Google... » read more

Partition columns for a unique index must be a subset of the index key

Error: Column ‘xxxxx’ is partitioning column of the index ‘PK_xxxxxxxx’. Partition columns for a unique index must be a subset of the index key. Could not create constraint or index. Solution: Since both biTable01Id, dtStartDateTime columns are in the partition column, both must be in the Primary Key column as well.