
SQL Server Build Verions

RTM SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 Most Recent Version ↓SQL Server 2019 15.0.1600.8 (CTP 3.0) ↓SQL Server 2017 14.0.1000.169 14.0.3192.2 (CVE-2019-1068) ↓SQL Server 2016 13.00.1601.5 13.0.4001.0 13.0.5026.0 13.0.5366.0 (CVE-2019-1068) ↓SQL Server 2014 12.00.2000.8 12.0.4100.1 12.0.5000.0 12.0.6024.0 12.0.6293.0 (CVE-2019-1068) ↓SQL Server 2012 11.00.2100.60 11.0.3000.0 11.0.5058.0 11.0.6020.0 11.0.7001.0 11.0.7469.6 (FIX for SP4) ↓SQL Server 2008R2 10.50.1600.1 10.50.2500 10.50.4000 10.50.6000 10.50.6560.0 (KB4057113) ↓SQL Server 2008... » read more

Database Backup Encryption

Restoring encrypted database on another server (using Backup Encryption). Only works with SQL Server 2014 and later. Backup If a certificate is not backed up prior to backing up a database in T-SQL the following warning will be displayed in the results: Warning: The certificate used for encrypting the database encryption key has not been... » read more


System.IO.Path Path.* Path.Combine Sources:

continue (C# Reference)

The continue statement passes control to the next iteration of the enclosing while, do, for, or foreachstatement in which it appears. Sources:


Expression Example String ^TestFile-.+.txt$ TestFile-03Jul2019150038.txt ^FILE-(OUTPUT|INPUT|ALL)-.+.txt$ FILE-OUTPUT-03Jul2019150038.txt Regex Tools

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Reasons for measuring performance Organizations measure performance for three main reasons: Learn and improve performance Provide external reporting (for shareholders and compliance requirements) Monitor and control internally within the organization Only what gets measured gets done. Unless something is measured, it cannot be managed and controlled Measure: Is a unit or standard of measurement, which... » read more

Dashboard vs Scorecard

Dashboard Scorecard Measures performance Chart progress Used by staff Used by Executives Real-time Date Periodic snapshots Shorter time shorizon Longer time spans Operational Strategic and Tactical Require immediate action

FileZilla FTP Client

The free FTP solution for both client and server. Filezilla is open source software distributed free of charge.

BitVise SFTP Server

We specialize in secure remote access software for Windows. Our main products are Bitvise SSH Server and SSH Client, which we try to make the best SSH client and server for Windows.


WinSCP is a free and open-source SFTP, FTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3 and SCP client for Microsoft Windows. Its main function is secure file transfer between a local and a remote computer.  WinSCP is a popular SFTP client and FTP client for Microsoft Windows! Copy file between a local computer and remote servers using FTP, FTPS,... » read more