SOLID principles of object-oriented programming

These were put together by the author Robert Martin, also known as Uncle Bob. S – Single-responsiblity principle O – Open-closed principle L – Liskov substitution principle I – Interface segregation principle D – Dependency Inversion Principle Single Responsibility An object should have one primary responsibility, one reason to exist, and that reason entirely encapsulated within one class. It can... » read more

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a technique whereby one object (or static method) supplies the dependencies of another object. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). It Increases code reusability and improves code maintainability. It allows us to develop loosely coupled code and reduce tight coupling between software components. DI is providing an object what... » read more

Object Oriented Design Concepts

Here are some basic object oriented design concepts one should know or good to know before going into a technical interview for a software engineering position. Abstraction The act of representation a feature without describing the extract detail of the feature. Why it matters: “I don’t really care how you get the data. All I... » read more