
Maintenance Plans for SQL Server

SSMS -> Management -> Maintenance Plans Maintenance Plan Tasks Back Up Database Check Database Integrity Execute SQL Server Agent Job Execute T-SQL Statement History Cleanup Maintenance Cleanup Notify Operator Rebuild Index Reorganize Index Shrink Database Update Statistics Sources:

Change SQL Server Authentication Mode

Change authentication mode with SSMS In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer, right-click the server, and then click Properties. On the Security page, under Server authentication, select the new server authentication mode, and then click OK. In the SQL Server Management Studio dialog box, click OK to acknowledge the requirement to restart SQL Server. In Object Explorer, right-click your server, and then... » read more

SSRS: Enable Remote Errors

Enable remote errors through SQL Server Management Studio (Native Mode) Start Management Studio and connect to a report server instance. Right-click the report server node, and select Properties. Click Advanced to open the properties page. In the Security section, in EnableRemoteErrors, select True. Click OK. Sources:

Installing SQL Server Checklist

What Version and Edition to install? Developer, Standard, or Enterprise Edition If not Developer, need license key Account to use for install? Local Account or Network Account Collation, default set to “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” Drives? Data, Log, Index, Backup Space Requirements Features to install? Analysis Services, Machine Learning Services, PolyBase Query Service, Integration Service, Reporting Service Example... » read more

SQL Profiler for Specific Stored Procedure

Create a new Trace In the “Events Selection” tab, click on “Show all events” and select these… Stored Procedures -> RPC:Starting Stored Procedures -> RPC:Completed TSQL -> SQL:BatchStarting TSQL -> SQL:BatchCompleted In the “Events Selection” tab, make sure the “TextData” is selected and click on “Column Filters” In the TextData column add a filter: Like %uspMySP01%... » read more

Bring Offline and Online Database

Note: Bring database OFFLINE / ONLINE should be a fast process, even for a large database. Users must be disconnected from database before setting the database to offline. Else, use ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE clause. If you run into problem with bring the database back ONLINE, try restarting SQL Server service. If part of Availability Group, need... » read more