
Database Partition and Performance

A partitioned table is one where the data is separated into smaller physical structures based on the value for a specific column (called the partitioning column, which is defined in the partition function). If you want to separate data by year, you might use a column called DateSold as the partitioning column, and all data... » read more

Error: input is not a valid Base-64 string

Error: Get the following error when trying to process a json object within Azure Function. System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: xxxxxxxx. Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Exception binding parameter 'myQueueItem'. System.Private.CoreLib: The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters.... » read more

Azure Function Queue Trigger Retry

Azure functions with Storage Queue trigger has a built in retry logic based on the dequeue count of the message in the queue. You can configure the frequency of the retry in the bindings either through code or host.json. After the max number of retry, the message will be placed in the <queue-name>-poison queue. visibilityTimeout property... » read more

Azure Storage Queue Examples

Install Install following from Nuget Package Manager Azure.StorageQueues Add following reference… Add Message To Queue Note: Call to queue is not supported in Blazor Web Assembly. You will get this error message if you try to create a message. System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms is not supported on this platform. Sources:

Blazor and Browser Local Storage using Blazored.LocalStorage

Blazored.LocalStorage Note: This is for .NET 5.0. Example: Program.cs of Blazor Client CartStateProvider.razor in Blazor Client App.razor in Blazor Client TestCart.razor Sources: