
Adding custom domain name to your azure web app

Go to the Custom domains section of your web application. Add the following host on Azure Portal. A Record CNAME Make sure you have already added an A Record and a TXT to point to your web app. A Record xx.xx.xx.xx TXT Record

SQL Azure Backup Strategy

Traditional SQL Server backup doesn’t apply to SQL Azure. SQL Azure have the following backup features. Copy – Make a copy of the database on the server. Restore – Restore a database from a point in time. Up to 7 days. Look at the “Oldest restore point” value. Export – Create a .bacpac backup file... » read more

Eugene’s Software Development Principles

Eugene’s Software Development Principles From my own personal experiences as a software developer. Keep It Simple. Keep software design as simple as possible. Do not over engineer. The maintaining of the software later should be just as easy as writing the software itself. Divide and Conquer. No task or project is too big or impossible... » read more

Qualities of a Leader

Qualities of a Leader This list is still a work in progress. Things I picked up from reading books, articles, and personal experiences. Lead by example. Don’t ask someone to do something you are not willing to do. Challenge people. Give them something meaning to do and you will be amazed at what they can... » read more

Qualities of Highly Successful People

Qualities of Highly Successful People This list is still a work in progress. Things I picked up from reading books, articles, and personal experiences. Surround yourself by other highly successful people. Learn from them. Continuous Learning. Never stop learning. Keep learning, growing, and improving. Always ask “why”. “The people who knows how will always have... » read more

Qualities of Wealthy and Business-minded People

Qualities of Wealthy and Business-minded People This list is still a work in progress. Things I picked up from reading books, articles, and personal experiences. Think of money as a resource. The more resource you have, the more things you can do. Money is made by creating value. You can always make more money by... » read more

Qualities of a Bad Manager

Qualities of a Bad Manager This list is still a work in progress. Things I picked up from reading books, articles, and personal experiences. They don’t provide security for others. “You cannot give what you do not have”. They take more from people than they give. They focus on finding security for themselves, not instilling... » read more