Secondary database stuck in Initializing / In Recovery Mode or Reverting / In Recovery Mode After AlwaysOn Failover

Issue: Secondary database stuck in “Initializing / In Recovery” mode or “Reverting / In Recovery” mode after AlwaysOn failover. Fix: Wait until the secondary database has synced up with the database on the primary. This may take a while if there are pending transactions. Recommend waiting for the secondary database to sync back up with... » read more

Update Index vs Update Statistics

Rebuilding an index does two things. First, since you’re literally rebuilding the index, it reorders the pages and the rows on those pages. This has a benefit in that it can eliminate some pages, making the index smaller and condensing the rows to pages, based on your fill factor. Second, as a part of the... » read more

Custom DDL file location folder for RDL

Make sure the DDL file is place in this folder and has the following property set… D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services\SSRS\ReportServer\bin File -> Properties -> General -> Unblock checked Checked the “Unblock” in file permission, restart SSRS services, and try uploading the RDL file again. Sources: